- Articles should be in Russian or English, not published or registrated in other journals, collections of works before (exept thesis reports and material of conferences, symposiums, meetings and etc.).
- Articles must contain brief and clear summery about current state of the subject, description of research methods, issue and discussion of findings. Article title should correspond its contain. An article must be divided into structural parts, cited in the pattern below. Part “Introduction” should include research currency (problem statement and its connection with important scientific and/or practical tasks), analysis of references, used while solving the problem, and research objective.
- Article is typed in MS Word for Windows (*.doc or *.docx). The following page setup should be used: format – A4, page orientation is book, border size is 2,5sm, print – Times New Roman 12 pt (except summeries, key words, figures and tables, which are typed in 10pt – see patterns below), indent – 1,25 sm, line spacing of the main text is 1 (single spacing), text is typed without word division, justified alignment, text is not paged. During execution and formatting of the text or its structural elements, please follow patterns carefully!
- Publication size shouldn`t be more than 8 pages. Relative volume of illustrations mustn`t surpass 1/3 of total. The list of references shouldn`t contain more than 30 sources in survey articles and only 15 sources in articles with author`s own research results. Initials are not spaced, but initials and surname are separated by spacing. It`s not allowed to carry over surname to another line (I.I. Ivanov,
Ivanov I.I.).
- Summeries are presented in two languages (Russian and English). Summery and key words are placed before “Introduction” in language the article was written (type – 10pt, “Key words” are bolded, key words are italicized). Key words or word combinations are separated by semicolon. After references summery and key words in English are placed. Summery size is 500 characters; a number of key words is 5-7. Execution and formatting setup of these elements should correspond to the pattern (see below).
- Printed version of manuscript (1 copy) is enclosed by electronic version of files in formats *.doc or *.docx (can be sent to e-mail of editorial office).
- The manuscript is signed by all authors. One page is taken for authors` data: place of work, position, academic degree, address of establishment, contact details for feedback (telephone number and e-mail of all authors). An article is attached by assignment from establishment where the work was carried out. Articles of postgraduates and candidates are attached by review of research supervisor.
- All articles are anonymously reviewed.
- Editors of journal have a rule to abridge texts of manuscripts as agreed upon with authors.
If editors return an article as requiring improvements authors have one month for it.
- Article heading should contain: surname, name, middle name of all authors in full (in Russian); full organization name – place of work of each author in nominative case, country, city (n Russian). If all authors of an article work at the same establishment, place of work can be specified ones; e-mail for each author; correspondent postal address and telephone number for contact with article authors (one for all authors is allowed).
Manuscripts of articles are sent by address:
Redaction of academic publications
Of Nikitsky Botanical Gardens
Urban village Nikita, Yalta, Republic of the Crimea, 298648
Tel.: (0654) 33-56-16
UDK 635.055:504.753:712.253(477.75)
Lyudmila Ivanovna Uleiskaya1, Anatolij Ivanovich Kushnir2, Yekaterina Stepanovna Krainyuk1, Vladimir Nikolayevich Gerasimchuk1
1Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Centre, Yalta 298648, Republic of the Crimea, Yalta, urban village Nikita
E-mail: mymail@mail.ru
National University of Bioresources and nature management, Kiev
Postal code, Kiev, 5, Sadovaya str.
E-mail: mymail@mail.ru
For the first time analysis of vital state and ecologic and ornamental characteristics … (summery)…
Key words:key words, key words, key words, key words, key words, key words, key words, key words
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
Objects and research methods
Results and discussion
Gratitudes (optional)
- Hydrochemistry… Literary source…
- Ivanov I.I. Literary source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source
- Determiner of higher…Literary source…
- Petrov P.P. Literary source…
- Sidorov S.S. Literary source…
UleiskayaL.I., KushnirA.I., KrainyukE.S., GerasimchukV.N., KharchenkoA.L. Centuries-oldtreesofArboretumin NikitskyBotanicalGardens // Works of the State Nikit. Botan. Gard. – 2012. – Vol. 134. – P. 168 – 174.
The analysis of vital state, ecological and ornamental characteristics of….
Key words: key word;key words; key words; key words; key words; key words; key words; key words; key words.
Typing and correction of the text should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:
- MS Word is used to create tables.
- Words shouldn`t be hand-carried.
- Don`t put full stop after: UDK, title of article, authors` surnames, organization name, heading, figure captions, names of tables, notes and references to tables, dimensions (h-hour, s-second, g-gram, min-minute, day, C — degree centigrade, m-meter) and in subscripts as well. Full stop should be put after contractions (mes. – mesyats (month), ned. – nedelya (week), g. – god (year), mln. – million).
- Names of species and genera of plants and animals are presented in Latin in Italics according to actual international codes of biological nomenclature, together with author`s name and (if necessary) year of description (author and year of description are typed in usual print), for instance: Quercus pubescens But further mention of the same taxon, its generic name is contracted, author`s name isn`t typed (Q. pubescens). If the article contains taxonomic list with full names (including taxons` authors) it`s possible not to indicate author`s name. Authors` names are typed either fully or in standard contractions (Recommended!) in accordance to Authors of plant names (2001). References to authorities of either nomenclature combinations are necessary. Latin names of taxons which belong to higher class than genus are not italicized. Names of plant cultivars are single quoted (‘…’), if there is no the word “cultivar” before them; all words in cultivar name begin with capital letters (for instance, peach ‘Zolotoj Yubilej‘, but cultivar Zolotoj Yubilej).
- Requirements for quotation:
- ellipsis in quotation is enclosed in curly brackets <…>. If there was a punctuation mark before or after omitted text, it is dropped;
- if an author uses a quotation and emphasizes some words in it, after explanatory text of these words there must be full stop, then dash and article author`s initials (first letters of his/her name and surname), warning text is taken in parentheses. For example: (italics added. – A.S.), (underlined symbols added. – A.S.), (spacing added. – A.S.).
- Decimal fractions are separated by commas: 0,1 or 0,5.
- Dash isn`t put in the beginning of line.
- Double or multiple space isn`t allowed.
- Such contractions as “i t.d., i t.p.”, indices, subscripts and mathematical signs are not spaced.
- Numerals and signs %, ° are not spaced.
- Before measures and signs №, §, © there is a space.
- Hiphen is used only in compound words such as „vsyo-taki” (anyway), „khimiko-pharmatsevticheskij” (chemical and pharmaceutical), which are not spaced. Dash is used in all other cases and two-sided spaced (18 – 30, 1999 – 2014).
- Tables and illustrations are put into the text after their first mention. Optimal table size is one page.
- Before figure, after it and its caption (before text) there are indents of 1 line. Figure caption is centering and typed in lower-case bold letters 10pt, single-space ( 1 – there is no full stop after numeral). Figures and captions should be placed into a table of 1 column and 2 lines, option “Remove table borders” should be activated to avoid their display when printing (see pattern below).
- There is an indent of 1 line before table and after it. Word “Table” with its number is placed on the right side, table caption is centering below; lower-case bold letters of 10pt, single-space (Table 1 – there is no full stop after numeral). Table text is typed in lower-case non-emphasized letters of 10pt with single-space. The first words of table column headings are started with the capital letters, subheadings are started with lower-case letters if they are combined in one sentence with heading, with capital letters if subheadings are independent. Measures are pointed after commas. Execution and formatting parameters must correspond to the pattern – see below.
Repeated text in a table column may be replaced by quotation marks (« — »). Quotation marks instead of numerals, notes, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols are not recommended.
If a table size exceeds 1 page all its columns are numbered by Arabic figures, its continuation on the next pages is typed on the right side in 10pt print (for example, “Continuation of table 1”).
![]() |
The sea of Azov – Азовскоеморе The Kazantip Peninsula – п—овКазантип The Crimean Peninsula – Крымскийп—ов Fig. 1 Sketch map of inspected region (stations I-VIII) |
Table 1
Cultivar composition and biomass of macrophytobenthos within offshore zone of Blessed Trinity Cape
Cultivar | Biomass, g/m2 (stations I-IV) | |||||
PLR (±0,25 m) | SLR(–0,5-5 m) | |||||
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | |
Ulothrix flacca (Dillwyn) Thur. | F | F | ||||
Chaetomorpha aërea (Dillwyn) Kütz. | F | F | 15,00±3,92 | 1,67±0,72 | F | |
Notes:Hereinafter: PLR – pseudolittoral, SLT – sublittoral. F – few (less than 0,01 g in a sample).Empty table cells mean absence of cultivar in samples. |
- Bibliographical references in article text are taken in square brackets, several sources are separated by commas in the order of number increasing.
List of references is formed according to State Standard R 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographical reference. General requirements and rules of formation (reference to State Standard http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511
List of references is made alphabetically, firstly works typed in Cyrillic symbols are enumerated and after it works in Latin. Bibliographical descriptions of works, published in other languages (for example Arabic, Chinese and etc.) should be presented in English and point origin language (in brackets after page number).
- In the list of references names of cultivars and genera are italicized; numbers of volumes (issue, № or no) are typed by Arabic figures.
- Line drawings, maps, graphics and photos are enumerated by Arabic figures as they are mentioned in the text. References to drawings and tables in a text are taken in parentheses and pointed in shorthand form with a small letter (tab. 1, fig. 1), if they are mentioned again, add the word “see” (see tab. 1, see fig. 1)
Examples of bibliographical descriptions in references:
- Novosad V.V. Flora Kerchensko-Tamanskogo regiona. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1992. – 275 s.
- Ostapkp V.M., Boiko A.V., Mosyakin S.L. Sosudistiye rasteniya yugo-vostoka Ukraini. – Donetsk: Noulidzh, 2010. – 247 s.
- Ekologichesky atlas Azovskogo morya / Gl.red.akad. G.G. Matyshov. – Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo UNC RAN, 2011. – 328 s.
- Authors of plant names: A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standard forms of their names, including abbreviations / Eds. R.K. Brummitt and C.E. Powell. – Kew: Royal Botanical Gardens, 1992, reprinted 2001. – 732 p.
Periodicals and serials:
- Bagrikova N.A. Analiz adventivnoj fraktsii flori prirodnih zapovednikov Kerchenskogo poluostrova (Krym) // Ekosystemi, ih optimizatsiya i ohrana. – 2011. – Vyp. 4(23). – S. 3 – 9.
- Nikiforov A.R. Elementarnij pobeg i sezonnoye razvitiye rastenij Silene jailensisI.Rubtzov (Caryophyllaceae) – reliktovogo endemika Gornogo Kryma // Ukr.botan.journ. – 2011. – T. 68, № 4. – S. 552 – 559.
- Sadogurskij S.E. Makrophitobentos vodoyomov ostrova Tuzla i prilegayushchih morskih akvatorij (Kerchenskij proliv) // Algologiya. – 2006. – T. 16, № 3. – S. 337 – 354.
- Hayden H.S., Blomster J., Maggs C.A., Silva P.C., Stanhope M.J., Waaland J.R. Linnaeus was right all along: Ulva and Enteromorpha are not distinct genera // European Journal of Phycology. – 2003. – Vol. 38. – Р. 277 – 294.
Abstract of a thesis:
- Belich T.V. Raspredeleniye makrophitov psevdolitoralnogo poyasa na Yuzhnom beregu Kryma: Avtoref. Diss…kand. biol. nauk: 03.00.05 / Gosudarstvennij Nikitskij Botanicheskij Sad. – Yalta, 1993. – 22 s.
- Yena An.V. Phenomen Florystychnogo endemizmu ta yogo proyavi u Krymu: Avtoref.dys. … d-ra boil. nauk: 03.00.05 / Instytut botaniki im. M.G. Kholodnogo NANU. – K., 2009. – 32 s.
Abstract of a paper:
- Sadogurskaya S.A., Belich T.V. Algoflora pribrezhnoj akvatorii u mysa Troitsi (Chornoye morye) // Aktualniye problemi sovremennoj algologii: materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii (Kiev, 20-23 aprelya 2012 g.). – K., 2012. – S. 258-259.
- Bagrikova N.A. Syntaxonomical checklist of weed communities of the Ukraine: class Stellarietea mediae // 19-th International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale (Pécs, 19.04–05, 2010): Abstr. – Pécs, 2010. – P. 51.
Section in a collective monograph:
- Bagrikova N.A., Kolomijchuk V.P.Astragalus reduncus // Krasnaya kniga Priazovskogo regiona. Sosudistiye rasteniya / Pod red. d.b.n., prof. V.M. Ostapko, k.b.n., dots. V.P. Kolomijchuka. – K.: ALterpres, 2012. – S. 198 – 199.
- Korzhenevskij V.V., Rudenko M.I., Sadogurskij S.Yu. PZ Krymskij // Phytoriznomanittya zapovidnykiv i natsionalnyh pryrodnyh parkiv Ukrainy. Ch.1. Biospherni zapovidnyky. Pryrodni zapovidnyky / Pid red. V.A. Onyshchenko i T.L. Andriyenko. – K.: Phytosotsiotsentr, 2012. – S. 198 – 220.
Multivolume editions:
- Hydrometeorologiya i hydrokhimiya morej SSSR, T. IV. Chornoye morye. Vyp.1.Hydrometeorologicheskiye usloviya / Pod red. A.I. Simonova, E.N. Altmana. – SPb: Hydrometeoizdat, 1991. – 426 s.
- Algae of Ukraine: Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography. Vol. 1. Cyanoprocaryota – Rhodophyta / Eds. Petro M. Tsarenko, Solomon P. Wasser, Eviator Nevo. – Ruggell: A.R.A.Gantner Verlag K.G., 2006. – 713 p.
Internet resources:
- Guiry M.D., Guiry G.M. 2013. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. – http://www.algaebase.org. – Searched on 05 August 2013.
If a literary source has four or more authors, all names should be specified.
As VAK requires electronic copies of published articles are placed into database of Scientific electronic library elibrary.ru (for numbering of Russian index of scientific citation). Therefore author`s consent for article publication extends to placement of its electronic copy at electronic library.
Rules Of Article Execution And Presentation (212.4 KB)